AE NN PTA Cher Car's Maine Attraction (OFA H/E & IM Clear)Call name “Acadia”
UCDX Copper Mountain's Ry FR2 MR1 PSA1 NVBK CAT4 CGC
Knighten's Basco KNPV 1 NET LOF
Christel's E'Nico
UCDX Caelan du Chenil des Titans FR2 CGC
Multi FR3 CH, NARA Domestic CH Titan Des Crocs De L'Olympe FR3
Northwoods Balen
Our Dutch Shepherds Earn their STRIPES! ®
Acadia is a great quality working female, already titled in United Nosework. She bites well, is very social with other dogs, and has a marvelous pedigree.
Not as “pretty” as her litter sister “Gemma” but should be able to produce conformation dogs, and will definitely put some ball drive in her kids! Her larger head should make for very handsome males from her.